
Hi! My Name Is Kumo

Kumo is practically perfect. He was a young puppy when his original owner was pregnant, and was with them until their baby was about 6 months old. He is very gentile and sweet with children of all ages. The only issue is his anxiety when left alone, which turns him into an escape artist. Even without a crate, his anxiety does not cause him to destroy anything, he simply cries, loudly, when left on his own. He is incredibly smart and knows many tricks, including how to open doors. If it wasn’t for another job and school, I would NEVER be giving up my best friend. Whomever ends up with Kumo will have the greatest possible addition to their family. He is not an outdoor dog and is used to sleeping in my bed. I truly could not love him anymore.

  • Husky - Siberian  & Shepherd - German
  • Male
  • 5 Years OldMy DoB is 01/11/2019
  • 51 - 60 Pounds
  • Black and White & Grey
  • Active and Playful
  • I Like All Kids
  • I Like All Dogs
  • Not Tested With Cats
  • Not Tested With Small Animals
  • I Have Not Been Tested with Farm Animals
  • I'm Trained
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