
Hi! My Name Is Loki

I'm Available

Loki was adopted from us as a puppy and due to a move out of the country, he is back with us, in need of a new home. This little man has been very loved and it shows in his love for all people, especially kids! He is an indoor, pampered pup who prefers to spend his days on the couch. Loki walks with the prance of a show horse and has the cutest underbite! He has a bit of guard dog in him and will bark at new people but he quickly gives in for treats. Loki does well with other dogs and has lived with another small dog his entire life. He just turned 7 years old and weighs approximately 10 lbs. 

  • Chihuahua & Mix
  • Male
  • 7 Years OldMy DoB is 02/25/2018
  • 8 Pounds
  • Affectionate
  • I Like All Kids
  • I Like All Dogs
  • Not Tested With Cats
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